D.C. trip

These papers in my hand are for my human evolution class, in this class, we discuss the important topics surrounding evolution and the importance of evolution. Although human evolution is perceived as a “solved” concept, however, that is far from the truth. There is so much we still need to understand about our species and our previous ancestors. To ensure this we need to increase funding towards these scientists because without your support then many holes in our past will be forever hidden. I know this seems extreme because so many important aspects of our history have been uncovered but let me tell you there is way more to be discovered.

Even though evolution has been around since the mid-1700s, we still have big questions that still need answers. Some big questions about our species alone include who is our direct ancestor, although several scientists believe that the Homo heidelbergensis is that link. However, there is still no core evidence of a particular species being our ancestors. By increasing the funding of evolutionary projects, it would allow for more digs and research towards understanding our possible ancestors. Another question that could be answered by increased funding would be if interbreeding actually occurred between Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. More researchers looking into this would provide more insight into our early cousins within the species of Homo sapiens. By also diving into this question, we would also be able to answer why and how the Homo neanderthalensis became extinct. Also, it might bring insight on how the two species interacted upon meeting each other. Finally, the biggest question that would be answered is what does our future look like based on the evolutionary path our ancestors had. This question is prevalent very much so today and in the future. By diving into our past, we are able to find answers or probabilities towards the future/evolution in relation to our past ancestors. Another benefit of increased funding would be better education towards evolution. Many individuals within our society are misinformed or uninformed about the basic concepts of evolution. It is important for others to understand where they originate from and why our bodies and culture is the way it is today. By understanding these concepts, it can help with understanding why the world is so diverse and help others understand that we all originate from the same place. 

In conclusion, human evolution is essential towards understanding our own physiology, anatomy, culture, and how we got to be the way we are. By increasing the funding towards evolutionary research, we are going to answer several important questions about who we are and how the future may look. Based on these few facts alone, it is impossible to not be considering more funding towards evolutionary research due to significant impact it could have on humans.


  1. This is such a great response! I really like how you setup and framed this debate and how you lay out some facts of human origins and why it matters. As you point out, some folks think this is 'solved' so its impt to show why that isn't the case. And linking it to issues of diversity and compassion is key. Evolution has a huge PR problem and we need to push against that. I am not sure what i would add here other than thinking about how to make it clear why better understanding of who we were helps us to figure out who we now are. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here


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